Atiku Abubakar Criticizes Tinubu Administration’s Economic Policies

Former Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar, has voiced scathing criticism of the economic policies under President Bola Tinubu’s administration, expressing concern over exacerbating poverty and a lack of innovative solutions to address Nigeria’s economic woes.

In a statement attributed to him, Atiku decried what he termed as a dearth of effective measures to mitigate the economic downturn gripping the nation. He pointed to a meeting convened to address pressing issues such as the foreign exchange crisis, where he alleged Tinubu failed to present concrete policy steps to address the challenges facing the economy.

Atiku lambasted the administration’s handling of the foreign exchange market, asserting that its policies have only served to enrich a select few while exacerbating the suffering of ordinary Nigerians. He emphasized the need for comprehensive reforms to streamline the exchange rate system and foster economic stability.

The former vice president outlined a series of policy prescriptions aimed at rescuing the economy from its current predicament, including the elimination of multiple exchange rate windows and the adoption of a managed floating exchange rate system. Atiku criticized what he perceived as hasty and ill-conceived measures by the Tinubu administration, calling for more prudent and consultative approaches to economic management.

Moreover, Atiku underscored the importance of addressing systemic issues such as corruption and poorly negotiated foreign loans, which he argued have further undermined the country’s economic prospects. He called on the government to heed sound counsel and prioritize the welfare of Nigerians in its policy decisions.

In conclusion, Atiku expressed optimism that with the adoption of more prudent and inclusive economic policies, Nigeria could begin to chart a path towards sustainable growth and development.

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