Why FAAN is Relocating Headquarters from Abuja back to Lagos

The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) has announced its decision to relocate its headquarters from Abuja back to Lagos to prevent the wastage of public resources and avoid unnecessary expenses. This move was confirmed in an internal memo from the Managing Director, Mrs. Olubumi Kuku, to the Director of Human Resources and Administration.

FAAN acknowledged that the initial decision to move its headquarters to Abuja was ill-advised, considering there was no available office space for its staff in the capital. The agency stated that those affected by the relocation had returned to Lagos, as there was no FAAN building in Abuja capable of accommodating all staff simultaneously.

The Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Mr. Festus Keyamo, has pledged to build suitable offices for FAAN in both Lagos and Abuja. After consultations with stakeholders and unions in the industry, it was agreed that relocating the headquarters to Lagos was in the best interest of the Authority and the country at present.

FAAN cited several reasons for the decision, including the lack of office space in Abuja, the impracticality of moving the headquarters without adequate facilities, and the economic inefficiency of renting office space in Abuja when a significant portion of its activities occurs in Lagos.

The Minister has proposed a plan to engage concessionaires for the construction of suitable offices for FAAN in both Lagos and Abuja. Until these offices are built, FAAN will continue to manage its existing building in Lagos that can accommodate all its directors and senior officials.

The statement reassured the public that FAAN’s operations in Abuja remain unaffected, and the agency will continue to act in the best interest of the public and the country. The final decision on the permanent headquarters will be made when appropriate corporate buildings are constructed in both Lagos and Abuja.

It’s worth noting that the decision to relocate aviation agencies to Abuja, including FAAN, was initiated by the former Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, in 2020. However, the current move is a response to the impracticality and challenges posed by the initial decision.

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