Why Athletics Integrity Unit Suspended Nigerian Athlete Tobi Amusan

Nigerian athlete Tobi Amusan

Nigerian athlete Tobi Amusan

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) has imposed a provisional suspension on Nigerian athlete Tobi Amusan for allegedly missing drug tests. The AIU officially announced the sanction through a statement on its Twitter account, stating that Amusan has been charged and provisionally suspended for three “Whereabouts Failures.”

Amusan, in response to the charge, took to her social media platforms to acknowledge the allegation made against her by the AIU. She clarified that the AIU accused her of violating its rule by missing three tests within a 12-month period. However, she asserted her innocence, declaring herself a “clean athlete” and expressing her determination to challenge the charges.

The Nigerian athlete further stated that she was tested within days of the alleged third missed test. She plans to contest the charge and have her case decided by a tribunal consisting of three arbitrators before the commencement of the upcoming World Championships next month.

The AIU explained that missing tests within a 12-month period constitutes an anti-doping rule violation. The penalty for such a violation typically includes a two-year suspension, which may be reduced to a minimum of one year depending on the level of fault attributed to the athlete.

The disciplinary tribunal will hear Amusan’s case and make a determination before the 2023 World Athletics Championships in Hungary.

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